The PHN National Improvement Network Collaborative (NINCo) is dedicated to providing a nationally recognized, uniform approach tailored for Primary Health Networks (PHNs). The objective is to empower PHNs to adopt evidence-based quality improvement strategies that address the unique needs of their regions. By uniting PHN staff, NINCo fosters networking, skill development, and sharing of best practices in continuous quality improvement (CQI).
We invite you to become part of the NINCo group, where our monthly and bi-monthly meetings are central to our collaborative efforts. These meetings are pivotal for advancing quality improvement initiatives in primary healthcare across Australia. Through structured discussions, updates, and strategic planning, we leverage the collective expertise of our members to drive transformative change.
NINco Meetings
NINCo’s Monthly Stream Meetings and bi-monthly general update meetings are essential for advancing the initiatives outlined in our work plans. Members are encouraged to actively participate in the monthly Stream meetings, contributing to the implementation of common goals. We recommend that members focus on one stream where their interests and commitments align, ensuring active engagement.
Members who can actively contribute to the work plans are encouraged to join the stream sessions. Those who prefer to stay informed may opt to attend the bi-monthly meetings for updates. Additionally, members have the flexibility to engage in both stream and bi-monthly meetings, offering diverse perspectives and expertise.
To ensure effective participation, we request that members complete this survey to express their interest and ability to engage actively in NINCo’s work. Members may also indicate their preference for broader involvement through attendance at the bi-monthly meetings.
NINCo streams are:
Stream 1 - National Quality Improvement Approach and Evidence Base Development
Stream Lead - Jasmine Kellaway
The primary focus of this stream will be
unified framework, standardizing data sources and toolkits, offering user-friendly templates, and applying the PDSA methodology.
fostering data-driven insights, streamlining focus, finalizing program logic
transitioning to uniform outcome measurement.
Stream 2 - Workforce Capability Enhancement
Stream Lead - Catherine Scardilli
The primary focus of this stream will be
Develop skills in CQI methodologies and best practice
Promote continuous quality improvement across Primary Health Networks (PHN)
Share knowledge across the PHNs to support building workforce capacity and capability
Promote leadership development to champion quality improvement effort
Stream 3 – MyMedicare QI
Stream Lead - Bev Korn
The primary focus of this stream will be
Subject matter expert group - National Strengthening MyMedicare Inintiative
Collaborate and standardize support for General Practitioners (GPs) and general practice staff in implementing MyMedicare initiatives.
Develop Quality Improvement (QI) resources for collaborative use across Primary Health Networks (PHNs).
Identify gaps in resources necessary for effective adoption and implementation of MyMedicare initiatives.
Identify additional resources needed as further Strengthening Medicare and MyMedicare initiatives are developed.
Report challenges encountered by GPs, general practice staff, and patients during the implementation of MyMedicare initiatives.
Bi-monthly Meetings:
General updates on NINCo activities
An overview of NINCo aims and objectives for newcomers to PHNs,
Progress reports from the Stream meetings with insights into their current and future priorities,
Update on QI-related resources and how to access them,
Updates on education and training opportunities
Updates on opportunities for participation in the Stream activities.
Opportunities to collaborate and consult on broader QI activities.
Opportunities to promote results PHN staff have achieved through QI activities.
Additionally, the bimonthly meetings offer a platform to showcase and celebrate the results achieved by PHN staff through their QI initiatives, fostering a culture of recognition and shared learning across the network. By providing a structured forum for communication and collaboration, the bimonthly meetings aim to streamline NINCo's work processes, promote transparency, and facilitate collective progress towards improving healthcare quality.